Friday, February 29, 2008

Fastr on Flickr

I love the names people come up with for their Flickr applications.

This one could get nearly as addictive as sudoku--a flickr game where you have to guess the tag for a group of randomly generated photos. My score after about 3 minutes? 12.

got my docs in

Got my docs covers into my Flickr account.

Not my Arwen!

Originally uploaded by Pehpsii
It turns out we aren't the only Lord of the Rings fans who are nuts enough to name our dog after an elf. This Flickr picture is NOT my dog. What a pretty tricolor! Mine is a sable and she is anything but the calm etherial Arwen Evenstar of LOTR.

My son knows a girl named Galadriel--now THATS nuts...

Spring IS here, right?

Is anybody else sick of winter? If it is halfway decent this weekend I'll be outside with a marguerita even if I have to do it with a parka on. There won't be any bugs and we can sit on the deck on the west side of the house, which will be 100 deg. pretty soon and I'll be whining about THAT. If the neighbors see us out there we'll make more and invite them. Don't get me wrong--one a day is plenty for me. I just REALLY want my Sunday 1 to be enjoyed outside.

In school we used to break out the shorts when it hit 50--in Edmonton where I grew up that happens a bit later than here! I rememer sitting in my back yard studying for Grade 12 finals wearing shorts with a tin foil reflector reflecting the sun onto my face. It must have been mid June and it wasn't all that warm. Life at 53° 34' north.

enjoy spring this weekend, even if it doesn't last.

Friday, February 22, 2008

I've got it covered

One of the fun Flickr groups I learned about lately consists of pix of government document book covers. Who knew there were cool covers for such things? Well I did....Those of us who live and breath docs know that there are some pretty snazzy ones out there, and some hilarious titles too. I've been taking pictures of a few of our Nebraska doc covers, and when we do Flickr week with our Learning 2.0, I will be adding them.

If you've got a favorite Nebraska doc cover, let me know about it so I can come take it's picture.